Why should you read my blog?

Why should you read my blog???

Because I said so! No not really...But reading my blog will hopefully be more entertaining than just sitting at your computer with nothing to do. I like to write about a variety of topics depending on my mood. So be sure to check in since you'll never know what kind of mood I'll be in!

Friday, May 6, 2011

The Very First Post!

I wonder if it is true? Is the first post the hardest to write? Just like the first paragraph of a term paper or the first chapter of a book, I am guessing it probably is. But I will let you know after I write a few more of these!

The difficulty that I will probably have in writing a blog will be keeping it focused. I have so many things that I love to do and talk about. I'm afraid my blog will be rather all over the place like everything else in my world. But I guess if that is me and thats how its been working so far in my life, why should my first ever blog be any different! Well I guess instead of rambling on about writing a blog I should just go ahead and actually write it!

First of all, a bit about me. I am a high schol math teacher in my early twenties. I love my job and working with my students. I am sure stories about them will slip into my blogs from time to time. In my free time (what little there is) I love to work on many different crafts. My grandmother has taught me everything I know in that area of my life and I love her for it! I do everything from crochet to knitting to drawing to beading to sewing and quilting. Also in my free time I love to cook, making meals for my family, boyfriend, etc. Of course they love that I love to cook too!

So what will you see if you return to my blog? (And you MUST should return!) I will be posting blogs about my latest craft ideas, cooking ideas, recipes, teaching ideas, interesting finding from all over the web and just about anything else I think someone else might want to read. So give it shot and please come check back in and see what is happening in Rosie's World


  1. congrats on your first blog! :) Im just starting out too, I found you on Etsys blog team :)


  2. Hi there
    good luck with your blog
    Blogging is very addicting :)

  3. Congratulations on your new blog! Good luck with everything!

  4. Welcome to the world of blogging! I'm gonna follow to see what you're up to. http://divineinmind.blogspot.com/

  5. Thanks everyone for the welcome!! I am very excited!
